Strategic Consultancy
ICT Advisory Division helps clients to develop and to produce “tailor-made” winning strategies. In doing so, we provide the entrepreneur and top management with the tools to make decisions and to find solutions to structural problems. As examples:
- Increase of turnover and margins;
- Launch in a profitable way of a new business line or of a new product;
- Evaluation of a Start-up project;
- Strengthening of the company’s market position;
- Launch of a new production plant;
- Evaluation of which market segment is really profitable for the company;
- Driving investments to generate more profits;
- Differentiation from the competition.
ICT Advisory Division supports customers in defining both the company vision and the best strategy to achieve this vision. Our action consists mainly of 5 different steps:
- Analysis of the company’s main historical results and definition of some KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that must be used to define objectives and to monitor future company results;
- Definition of the company vision;
- SWOT analysis, i.e. the identification of the company’s strengths on which to structure the strategy, the weak points to deal with in particular during the implementation of the strategy, the opportunities to be exploited and the threats that may jeopardize the company plans;
- Qualitative description of the directions in which the company wants to go in terms of:
- sales purpose
- corporate values
- products portfolio
- market segments and geographical approach
- brand recognition
- processes
- digital marketing;
- technological needs
- organization and training
- For each chapter of the previous phase (d), the preparation of a complete list of operational actions (with deadlines and responsibilities) to be planned within the time frame set for the implementation of the strategy.
Through the many years of professional experience of our team of consultants and professionals, ICT Advisory Division can provide high value-added solutions in many of the above mentioned strategic areas, such as corporate organization, lean operations (lean organization and lean manufacturing), IT / ERP, product applications (just to name a few).
All this is possible because we work closely with the customers, see things that others don’t see and build lasting expertise within the customer’s team, helping them to sustain change. We judge our success by our clients’ results and find great satisfaction in doing so.
Some few definitions
It is a statement that indicates what the company wants to become, what the organization would like to achieve in the medium or long term in the future. This corporate vision will be used by the company itself as a clear guide for choosing current and future activities to focus on.
This is a high-level business plan that aims to achieve the corporate vision. Because the resources to achieve the vision are generally limited, the strategy is important to define the most effective goals, to determine the actions to achieve them, and to mobilize resources to execute the actions. Prof. Richard Rumelt wrote in 2011 that a good strategy has an underlying structure that he calls Kernel and which consists of 3 parts:
- a diagnosis that defines or explains the nature of the challenge;
- a guiding policy to address the challenge;
- coherent actions designed to implement the guiding policy.
It is a structured planning method that evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization, project or commercial enterprise. It is an important tool to be used in the diagnosis phase of business strategy definition.
It is a statement of a company’s purpose, which identifies the scope of its operations and the guiding policy provided by management to the entire organization. It communicates a shared understanding of the desired direction for the organisation.
These are the principles that make up the company culture, inspire behaviour and actions and influence the entire organisation.